Basic usage

All you need to do to get started is download your QR-ed data from the ODI-PPA using the wget download command, then follow these steps. An explination of running quick reduce from ODI-PPA will be given in other sections of the documentation:

Preparing your data

  1. move all individual .fz files into the top level folder: mv calibrated/**/*.fz .
  2. unpack the compressed fits files using funpack
  3. you need to rename your files to match the appropriate dither pointing identification. for example, QR files are named by the pattern OBSID_OBJECT_FILTER.JOBID.fits. The final digit of the OBSID e.g. 20151008T195949.1 needs to match the number sequence of the dithers 1-9. Your data may not match this pattern due to restarted observations, multiple night observations, etc.

Running the code (a broad overview)

  1. copy example_config.yaml to your data directory as config.yaml and edit the file to match your preferences/data. Make sure that the number for each image matches the correct number in the dither sequence!
  2. run in the folder containing the unpacked/renamed fits images. This will (optionally) illumination correct the images, fix their WCS, reproject them to a common pixel scale, and perform background subtraction on them.
  3. this will take a while, so make sure nothing bad happened
  4. run in the folder containing the unpacked/renamed fits images. This will detect bright stellar sources in the images and use them to calculate a scaling factor relative to the image in the sequence with the lowest airmass, then apply the scale, stack the images, then add in a common background value.
  5. finished! check your images to make sure everything went okay.

Example configuration file

Here are the contents of example_config.yaml available on the odi-tools GitHub repo

# odi-tools configuration file
  object: M13                           # the name of your object
  filters: [odi_g, odi_r, odi_i]        # correct filter strings required
  instrument: 5odi                      # podi | 5odi | mosaic; script will
                                        # verify using image header info

processing:                             # optional steps performed in
  illumination_correction: yes          # if yes, set dark sky flat source below
  dark_sky_flat_source: object          # object | master
  wcs_correction: yes
  reproject: yes
  scale_images: yes
  stack_images: yes

# list the images you want to process
# be sure to associate the filename with the correct dither pointing!
# OBSID and image header are NOT always an accurate reflection of the absolute dither position
# so you must use your notes / observing log to define them here
# sections must be named according to the filter names

  1: 20130510T002928.1_m13-9_odi_g.5869.fits
  2: 20130510T002928.2_m13-9_odi_g.5869.fits
  3: 20130510T002928.3_m13-9_odi_g.5869.fits
  4: 20130510T002928.4_m13-9_odi_g.5869.fits
  5: 20130510T002928.5_m13-9_odi_g.5869.fits
  6: 20130510T002928.6_m13-9_odi_g.5869.fits
  7: 20130510T002928.7_m13-9_odi_g.5869.fits
  8: 20130510T002928.8_m13-9_odi_g.5869.fits
  9: 20130510T002928.9_m13-9_odi_g.5869.fits

  1: 20130510T002928.1_m13-9_odi_r.5869.fits
  2: 20130510T002928.2_m13-9_odi_r.5869.fits
  3: 20130510T002928.3_m13-9_odi_r.5869.fits
  4: 20130510T002928.4_m13-9_odi_r.5869.fits
  5: 20130510T002928.5_m13-9_odi_r.5869.fits
  6: 20130510T002928.6_m13-9_odi_r.5869.fits
  7: 20130510T002928.7_m13-9_odi_r.5869.fits
  8: 20130510T002928.8_m13-9_odi_r.5869.fits
  9: 20130510T002928.9_m13-9_odi_r.5869.fits

  1: 20130510T002928.1_m13-9_odi_i.5869.fits
  2: 20130510T002928.2_m13-9_odi_i.5869.fits
  3: 20130510T002928.3_m13-9_odi_i.5869.fits
  4: 20130510T002928.4_m13-9_odi_i.5869.fits
  5: 20130510T002928.5_m13-9_odi_i.5869.fits
  6: 20130510T002928.6_m13-9_odi_i.5869.fits
  7: 20130510T002928.7_m13-9_odi_i.5869.fits
  8: 20130510T002928.8_m13-9_odi_i.5869.fits
  9: 20130510T002928.9_m13-9_odi_i.5869.fits